Orthopaedic Outreach works in cooperation with the Indonesian Orthopaedic Association to coordinate a Continuing Orthopaedic Education program. These meetings are shared across the major orthopaedic surgical training hubs, ensuring access to registrars from all over Indonesia. These meetings also provide final year registrars to present their final research papers to the audience. The engagement level of registrar participants is high, and with mixed mode delivery including short quiz type presentations, those present are challenged throughout the meeting. Topics within this period were sports medicine and orthopaedic trauma, with some sessions attended by approximately 200 orthopaedic surgical trainees.
Bandung, West Java was the host site for the orthopaedic trauma meeting with a focus on upper limb injuries. This was at the invitation of Dr. Istan Irmansyah Irsan, with Outreach volunteers’ Drs. Ben East and Ben Hardy playing lead roles in presenting a total of 9 hours of prepared presentations and clinical case-based discussions.

The specifics of sports injury management were discussed as part of the workshop organised by the Indonesian Orthopaedic Association and the Solo orthopaedic department, Central Java. Dr. Made Febri provided an excellent and comprehensive presentation on multi-ligament knee surgery. This was complemented by Outreach volunteers’ Dr. Greg Hoy and Dr. Peter Berton, joined by Dr. Des Soares as the Outreach convenor.
Orthopaedic Outreach volunteers are involved in resident training days, pre-exam courses and National Board exams at the invitation and request of the President of the College of Orthopaedic Surgery, and the Indonesian Orthopaedic Association, as a measure of external governance. Interaction between Outreach and the AOA with the Indonesian Orthopaedic Association and their Board of Studies is at several levels and has matured to the point where the AOA, Outreach, the IOA, and the IOA Board of studies have a memorandum of understanding defining the relationship and activities AOA and Outreach undertake in Indonesia.